
Master the Art of Staying On-Brand While Riding the Wave of New Content Trends

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We’ve all been there—tempted to jump on the latest trend only to wonder, “Will this align with my brand?” It’s a fine line to walk, blending creativity and consistency.

You don’t want to feel stuck in your old ways, but you also don’t want to confuse your audience by straying too far from what makes your brand unique.

The good news?

You don’t have to choose between consistency and innovation. You can experiment with new content types or trends while staying true to your brand’s core identity.

Let’s explore how you can do just that, keeping your brand authentic and recognizable while taking advantage of new opportunities to connect with your audience.

Ready to take the leap without losing your brand’s essence?

Let’s dive in!


1. Define Your Core Brand Elements (and Stick to Them)

Before you can experiment with content, you need to clearly define your brand’s core elements. These include your brand’s:

  • Voice: How you speak to your audience (formal, casual, humorous, authoritative, etc.)
  • Visual identity: Your logo, color palette, fonts, and imagery style
  • Mission and values: What your brand stands for and what message you want to convey

By having a clear understanding of these key components, you can ensure that any new content types or trends you explore still align with your overall brand identity.

User Tip:

Create a brand guide that outlines these elements. Refer back to it whenever you’re unsure if a new content idea fits your brand.

2. Start Small with Trends

When a new trend catches your eye, it’s tempting to dive in headfirst. However, starting small allows you to test the waters without fully committing or overwhelming your audience with sudden changes.

For example:

  • If the trend is a new video format like Instagram Reels or TikTok, start by incorporating your brand’s signature colors or a branded hashtag.
  • Experiment with one or two posts rather than overhauling your entire content strategy.

This cautious approach will give you room to experiment while staying in tune with your brand’s core identity.

User Tip:

Run small A/B tests when trying new trends. Compare engagement rates with your usual content to see if your audience is responding well.

3. Stay True to Your Brand Voice

No matter what content format or trend you’re experimenting with, your brand’s voice should remain consistent. Your tone of voice is the foundation of your communication, and it’s what makes your brand recognizable.

If your brand is known for being witty and humorous, bring that humor into your TikTok videos or Instagram Reels. If your brand’s tone is more serious and professional, stick to that, even if you’re jumping on a fun trend.

User Tip:

You don’t have to be trendy at the expense of your tone. Make the trend work for your brand, not the other way around.


4. Keep Your Visual Identity Consistent

Your audience should be able to recognize your brand instantly, even when you’re experimenting with new content formats. To achieve this, maintain your visual identity across platforms. This means using:

  • The same brand colors and fonts in your graphics or overlays
  • A similar style of photography or videography
  • Branded elements like logos, icons, or consistent filters

This consistency will reinforce your brand image, making it easier for your audience to connect your experimental content back to your brand.

User Tip:

Use a content template or create branded design elements (like intro/outro screens for videos) to ensure brand consistency across various formats.

5. Tie Experiments Back to Your Brand Values

One of the most effective ways to stay true to your brand while trying new content types is to keep your experiments aligned with your brand values. Trends are fleeting, but your brand’s values are long-lasting.

For instance:

  • If your brand advocates for sustainability, try incorporating eco-friendly tips or products in new content types, such as Instagram Stories or TikTok videos.
  • If you’re a health brand, explore trending content like “what I eat in a day” videos but ensure it reflects your values on balanced nutrition.

This way, even if the format changes, your message stays the same.

User Tip:

Think of new content formats as vehicles for delivering your brand message in different ways, rather than letting the format dictate the message.

6. Engage Your Audience in the Experimentation

Your audience can be your best guide when it comes to experimenting with new content types. Involving them in the process not only builds engagement but also helps ensure that your content stays relevant to their preferences.

Consider asking your audience:

  • What type of content they’d like to see next
  • Which trends they enjoy and would like your brand to try
  • To vote on new content ideas via polls or Q&A sessions in Instagram Stories or LinkedIn posts

By bringing them into the creative process, you’re ensuring that your experiments are more likely to succeed because they’re based on direct feedback.

User Tip:

Use Instagram Stories, polls, or comment sections to get real-time feedback. This allows you to tweak content while it’s still fresh.


7. Repurpose Content for Consistency

Repurposing is a great way to maintain consistency when experimenting with new formats. Rather than creating entirely new content from scratch, take existing successful content and adapt it to different formats or platforms.

For example:

  • Turn a blog post into a series of Instagram posts or Stories.
  • Adapt a YouTube video into shorter clips for TikTok or Reels.
  • Use the same photos across platforms but tweak the captions or tone to fit each platform.

This not only saves time but ensures that your brand message remains uniform across all platforms.

User Tip:

Plan content repurposing ahead of time by identifying your core content pillars and brainstorming how each can be adapted for different formats.

8. Monitor Performance and Adjust as Needed

Consistency doesn’t mean being static. It’s about evolving in a way that still resonates with your brand’s identity. The key is to monitor your performance metrics and be open to adjusting your strategy if something isn’t working.

Track engagement rates, reach, and audience feedback on your experimental content. If something performs well, lean into it more. If it doesn’t resonate with your audience, don’t be afraid to pivot.

User Tip:

Use analytics tools provided by platforms like Instagram, YouTube, or TikTok to track the performance of your experimental content.

9. Communicate Changes to Your Audience

If you’re planning a major shift or experiment with your content strategy, don’t leave your audience in the dark. Let them know that you’re trying something new. Whether it’s a series of new content types or a complete rebrand, communicating with your audience builds trust and ensures they’re on board for the ride.

Create posts or stories explaining the shift and what they can expect. This will make them feel involved and invested in your evolution.

User Tip:

Use Instagram Stories or a pinned post on platforms like Facebook or LinkedIn to share behind-the-scenes looks at your brand’s new content direction.

10. Be Authentic in Your Experiments

At the end of the day, authenticity is key. Audiences are savvy and can easily tell when a brand is trying to force a trend. Instead of hopping on every passing trend, focus on experimenting with content that aligns with your brand and feels authentic.

Your audience will appreciate genuine attempts to connect with them rather than jumping on trends just for the sake of it.

User Tip:

When experimenting, ask yourself: “Does this feel like a natural extension of my brand?” If the answer is no, it might not be worth pursuing.

Final Thoughts

Staying consistent with your branding while experimenting with new content types or trends is entirely possible. It’s about holding onto your core brand identity while adapting to the evolving digital landscape. By defining your core brand elements, starting small, keeping your voice and visuals consistent, and engaging your audience, you’ll strike the perfect balance between creativity and consistency.

Remember, trends come and go, but your brand’s values and identity are what will leave a lasting impact.