When you are creating a calendar every one thinks about making a suitable either making it possible for you to follow it in order to complete your work in time and secondarily gain a lot of confidence in you.
For that we have brought you 5 tips for creating a winning content calendar. Let’s dive straight into it.
Define your goals
When we talk about making a proper calendar it is essential that you should know what you are capable off. And when you are able to list down the content you would get the idea of what you are doing.
When you have done that the you are good to do fill it down in the calendar.
Create a template for your calendar
This is an essential part you have to keep your focus on in order have a functioning calendar where you can relay on.
However, as adopting a new software can be time-consuming, your content calendar can be as simple as a basic spreadsheet.
Your content calendar can be constructed according to your team’s specific needs, but it should include at least the following information:
- The channel in which the content will be published
- The topic
- The type of content
- The date and time for publishing
Add your own content
Once you have written down all of the important dates, start to fill in the blanks with relevant content ideas. This content can include:
- Theme posts – Are you participating in a trade fair or a seminar? Is something related to your operations the current topic of discussion? Follow the general conversation in your field and grab the current topics fast.
- Serial posts – Are you specialized in a service that you would like to tell more about to your customers? Serial posts are a great way to educate and bring forth your expertise.
- Expert articles and guest blogs regarding your services and current topics in your field
Make use of prior content
You don’t always have to make content from scratch when creating a content calendar.
Old blog posts can also be reused and updated through different channels, such as turning them into short videos.
Your potential customers may look for information on various different platforms, which is why it can be a good idea to present similar ideas in different formats.
Update and review your plan
There is no definitive answer to how long in advance your content should be planned. Planning ahead depends on multiple factors, such as how volatile your field of business is, and perhaps some factors related to your company specifically.
You should keep in mind, however, that the further ahead you plan your content, the better the flow of content stays uninterrupted.